Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Enrollment for 2025-26
UTK will be referred to as "TK" beginning in 2025-26. Enrollment into TK will commence in March 2025, and will be an online process. Parents will be able to enroll in their school of residence, and upload all required documentation. If a school becomes full, the staff in our office will offer seats to the next closest school with space available. TK Choice seats were only offered at dedicated magnet sites which rely solely on Choice enrollment (Barnard, Longfellow, Language Academy, Muir, and Mountain View). Resident schools will receive TK Choice seats after resident enrollment begins in March where space is available.
TK Parent Workshops via Zoom
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
interpretation services log in at 5:15
Thursday, March 6, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
interpretation services log in at 9:45
Zoom Link for both presentations: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/81378374938
- To enroll in UTK, first, identify your resident school using School Finder and enter your household address.
- Next, contact the resident school to inquire if there is space for the child. If the school confirms there is space available, then you may enroll.
- To enroll, bring your child's birth certificate, up-to-date immunization records, valid proof of residence, and IEP (if applicable).
- If your school of residence is full, you will be referred to the Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options office where staff will inform you of space availability in your neighborhood or in other schools of interest.
- SDUSD offers enrollment to all district resident children turning 4 by September 1, 2024. On a space availability basis, enrollment may be offered to out of district children.
Archived UTK Pre-Enrollment Parent Workshop presentation slides are available at this link: Parent Guide for 2024-2025 UTK Enrollment.
The answers to the Frequently Asked Questions can be found at this link: UTK FAQ for School Year 2024-2025

What is Universal Transitional Kindergarten? Universal Transitional Kindergarten is part of a 2 year Kindergarten instructional program and it is open to all pupils turning 4 by September 1. While legislation does not require school districts to enroll children who turn 4 after June 2, SDUSD is committed to offering it to all 4 year olds as an implementer of the UTK Early Enroller program.
CA Education Code requires that "early enrollers" or children with dates of birth between June 3 and September 1, 2020 be placed in classes capped at 20. Older children, with dates of birth between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020 may be placed in classrooms capped at 24. Not all schools offer both classes. If your school of residence does not offer the class your child needs, you will be offered enrollment at the next closest school with space available that offers the class for your child's age range.
The following dedicated Magnet schools will only enroll UTK pupils via Choice, as these schools do not have traditional boundaries: Barnard, Longfellow, Mountain View and Muir Language Academy.
For school year 2024-2025, UTK is offered at all elementary and K-8 schools with the exception of Language Academy, iHigh/Virtual Academy, and Mt. Everest.
- The District also offers a Part-Day State-Subsidized Early Learning Program at 17 school sites and an Extended-Day Early Learning Program at Central Elementary for 3 and 4-year old children for qualifying families.
- Families that do not income-qualify for the State-Subsidized Preschool Program may be offered a seat at one of the School Readiness Programs at the following 9 school sites based on availability: Balboa, Clairemont Canyons*, Dingeman, Ericson, Jones, Kumeyaay, Miller, Normal Heights and Rodriguez. (*Clairemont Canyons offers both a State Preschool program and a School Readiness program.)
- Children who turn 5 years old on or by September 1 are age-eligible for Kindergarten and will not be enrolled in UTK.
- Students born between September 2, 2019 and September 1, 2020
- San Diego Unified resident students
Note: Students must be 4 years old by September 1, 2024 to be eligible for 2024-2025 UTK.
- San Diego Unified Resident Students
- Date of Birth
- Priority Choice Students (In-District)
- Siblings
- Children of Site Employees
- Overflow List
- Choice Students - No Sibling (In-District)
- Out-of-District Students
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residence
- Up-to-date Immunization
- IEP, if applicable
The UTK PRE-ENROLLMENT PARENT WORKSHOPS were held via Zoom in winter 2024.
To view the informative presentation slides on how to enroll, please click on this link: Parent Guide for UTK Enrollment 2024-2025
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
To learn more about the Universal Transitional Kindergarten, please read the UTK FAQ for school year 2024-2025 (Frequently Asked Questions).
SDUSD strongly urges parents to ensure their child is fully potty-trained before attending UTK. Toileting Toolkit
Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) is offered at all San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Elementary and K-8 schools with the exception of Language Academy, iHigh/Virtual Academy and Mt Everest.
List of UTK School Sites for School Year 2024-2025
Map of UTK School Sites for School Year 2024-2025
Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options
Phone: (619) 260-2410
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm