
This year we have provided two web-based programs that can support your child with LIteracy and Math. Your child can use their password login for

Other web-based pages they can explore are

Course of Study

Our school's general education curriculum is based on the district's Course of Study, K-12 . In addition to meeting a legal requirement, the Course of Study provides information about the district's educational programs and approved instructional materials. It also outlines state and district requirements, district cross-curricular programs, special education programs, student assessment, and more.


School and district policies require homework and outside reading on a regular basis. This year school wide our homework policy will be in 3 ares, writing, reading and math. We will provide journal for take home writing, having students write a minimum of a page a night for practice and to share it with someone in your household. We want students to read nightly to build up reading stamina and to work on their reviewed Math work at home. Your child will bring home a copy of the policy for his or her classroom during the first few weeks of school with any other added assignments. This makes it easy for families with multiple grade level children. You know that they can work on writing, reading and doing math nightly.

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